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Demand Fauci to Testify Before Congress Immediately

Politics | June 17, 2022, 5:01 PM EDT

Mark Meadows' Testimony Raises Concerns

Mark Meadows, former White House Chief of Staff under President Trump, has provided startling revelations before the House congressional investigation. His testimony has significantly advanced the probe into the January 6 Capitol attack.

In light of these disclosures, it is imperative that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, be summoned to testify before Congress without delay. Fauci's expertise and pivotal role in the COVID-19 pandemic response necessitate his appearance before the investigative body.

Meadows' testimony has shed light on potential inconsistencies and discrepancies in the administration's handling of the pandemic, particularly regarding the severity of the virus and the efficacy of mitigation measures. Fauci, by virtue of his extensive experience and scientific knowledge, is well-positioned to provide essential clarifications and address any concerns raised during the investigation.

Fauci's testimony will ensure transparency and accountability in the COVID-19 response. It will allow Congress to thoroughly examine decision-making processes and determine whether any actions or recommendations compromised public health or safety.

Furthermore, Fauci's appearance before Congress will serve as an opportunity for the American public to gain a deeper understanding of the pandemic and its management. His expertise and reputation for scientific integrity will provide a crucial perspective in the ongoing investigation.

Therefore, we urge Congress to swiftly initiate a subpoena for Dr. Anthony Fauci to testify before the House investigative committee. His presence is essential to ensure a comprehensive and impartial inquiry into the COVID-19 pandemic response.
